Saved by Ish H
10 things worth sharing this week
"We help companies build, survive, and scale, but one of the main components of my job is understanding how and when the world is going to change. Our portfolio is a collage of various futures that we believe in, and our capital and expertise are assets to hopefully pull these futures forward."
Kyle Harrison • Markets, Markets, and Markets
Money is only a tool. What really matters is building something you can’t buy. That’s how we actually improve metrics like life expectancy.
Eric Jorgenson • The Anthology of Balaji: A Guide to Technology, Truth, and Building the Future
The intentional things were rarely pivotal in those early days, but the being persistent, following-your-nose thing made a big difference. The chain of events that led to our funding had no connection. You write them all down in a line and you wonder how these all led to each other, but the chain was very direct from step to step.
Jessica Livingston • Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days
I should mention one sort of initial tactic that usually doesn't work: the Big Launch. I occasionally meet founders who seem to believe startups are projectiles rather than powered aircraft, and that they'll make it big if and only if they're launched with sufficient initial velocity. They want to launch simultaneously in 8 different publications, ... See more
Do Things that Don't Scale
verygoods.coDo Things that Don't Scale
paulgraham.com21:40 - Science is good at the long game of extending the tip of human knowledge. While brazen startups are good at acting boldly off of naïveté.