Baptiste Salbot
Baptiste Salbot
Breaking through to a better idea by subtraction, rather than addition, is the most satisfying kind of breakthrough.
-Jason Fried
“I wasn’t scared of missing, looking bad, or being embarrassed. That’s because I always kept the end result, the long game, in my mind. I always focused on the fact that I had to try something to get it, and once I got it, I’d have another tool in my arsenal. If the price was a lot of work and a few missed shots, I was OK with that.”
— Kobe Bryant
There are two ways to use money. One is as a tool to live a better life. The other is as a yardstick of success to measure yourself against other people. The first is quiet and personal, the second is loud and performative. It’s so obvious which leads to a happier life.
— Morgan Housel
Design is the act of intentionally trying to influence an outcome.
"The shortest answer is doing the thing." - Ernest Hemingway