• the future of brands

  • AI Reading List

    This is aimed towards the AI curious looking to go down the rabbit hole not the AI expert. It will be updated ~monthly. Recommendations are accepted via DM @JackSoslow

    Thumbnail of AI Reading List

    the impact of AI

  • Promotional Principles for Creative People

    [for makers] promotional principles

  • Sarah Kay performs "Table Games"

    this made me teary and love and dating

  • Thumbnail of www-x-com-moralgrey-status-1802091049227075690Thumbnail of www-x-com-moralgrey-status-1802091049227075690Thumbnail of www-x-com-moralgrey-status-1802091049227075690Thumbnail of www-x-com-moralgrey-status-1802091049227075690

  • What We Talk About When We Talk About Love

    Interwoven conversations among four friends explore the complexities and nuances of love, ranging from its beauty and joy to its darker and destructive manifestations.

    by Raymond Carver

    love and dating

  • Thumbnail of www-x-com-robjama-status-1761139910633758847Thumbnail of www-x-com-robjama-status-1761139910633758847

  • The Dark Forest Collective || The Dark Forest Anthology of the Internet Roundtable

    to read later

  • half past