Tengji Zhang


from The L1 Wars: SOL, AVAX, NEAR | 15 Jan 2022

  • from Blockchains are cities by Haseeb Qureshi

  • Lots of chains can't actually have a  proper bridge
  • from The L1 Wars: SOL, AVAX, NEAR | 15 Jan 2022

  • from The L1 Wars: SOL, AVAX, NEAR | 15 Jan 2022

  • So for gaming or other apps where you  need all info in one place, Solana is  great

    from The L1 Wars: SOL, AVAX, NEAR | 15 Jan 2022

  • Goal is to guarantee information  symmetry across the world

    from The L1 Wars: SOL, AVAX, NEAR | 15 Jan 2022

  • Elon Musk: A future worth getting excited about | TED | Tesla Texas Gigafactory interview

    8 highlights

    Sustainability & Climate Change and

  • from Patrick Collison's Manifesto on Reading by The Knowledge Project

  • from Blockchains are cities by Haseeb Qureshi