Ted Glasnow


Ted Glasnow


The Racecar Growth Framework — Reforge

Lenny Rachitskyreforge.com
Thumbnail of The Racecar Growth Framework — Reforge

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Sacra Ameet Shah, partner at Golden Ventures, on the economics of vertical SaaS marketplaces

Sacra Ameet Shah, partner at Golden Ventures, on the economics of vertical SaaS marketplaces

Lenny Rachitsky Choosing Your North Star Metric

Fivetran | Automated data movement platform

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Jan-Erik Asplund Earl Lee, co-founder and CEO of HeadsUp, on the modern data stack value chain

Execs Michal Cieplinski (CBO Pipe, ex General Counsel at Fundbox)

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Jan-Erik Asplund Earl Lee, co-founder and CEO of HeadsUp, on the modern data stack value chain