Sriya Sridhar


Academic studying privacy and attention, seeking things that make sense and perpetual calm. Lit and poetry are my first loves

  • Finding Awe Amid Everyday Splendor

    by noemamag.com

    6 highlights

    Thumbnail of Finding Awe Amid Everyday Splendor

    Thought provoking

  • from Maria Popova — Cartographer of Meaning in a Digital Age by Maria Popova

    Thought provoking

  • from slow down

    Things to remind myself about

  • from 2020 Startup Themes by Daniel Gross

    On Attention and the Internet

  • from Why Computers Won’t Make Themselves Smarter by newyorker.com

  • Everyone’s Existential Crisis

    11 highlights

    Thumbnail of Everyone’s Existential Crisis

  • The energy of attempt

  • Cultivating Depth and Stillness in Research

    by Andy Matuschak

    3 highlights

  • from Tiny Beautiful Things: Advice from Dear Sugar by cheryl strayed

    Thought provoking