Michael Schreiber
Michael Schreiber
There’s a common illusion that spiritually evolved, loving people never have any negativity, as though they are already angelic. They get annoyed that they still have negative feelings, and then it’s compounded by their guilt and self-frustration. They have to realize that feelings are transitory, whereas their intention to evolve remains constant.
... See moreThe impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way.
Steve Jobs once said, “Real artists ship.”
Profound change rarely comes from direct interventions in the world. Rather, it comes from working indirectly over time, helping people engage consciously to develop their own understanding, motivations, aspirations, and will.
Your fear is the sharpest definition of your self. You should know it. You should feel it virtually constantly. Fear needs to become your friend, so that you are no longer uncomfortable with it.
“God is simple. Everything else is complex. Do not seek absolute values in the relative world of nature.”
without the grand shows and displays, the burning of incense and the lighting of forty million candles and all of the Gregorian chants or the rock and roll or whatever you choose, without any of it—in the silent temple of your heart, you make a simple choice: In this moment, I am going to discover what it means to teach only Love.
The only way to get what you’re worth is to stand out, to exert emotional labor, to be seen as indispensable, and to produce interactions that organizations and people care deeply about.