I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am.
- Charles Horton Cooleyfrom i am who i think you think i am by
I like writing that is unsummarizable, a kernel that cannot be condensed, that must be uttered exactly as it is.
from 300 Arguments by Sarah Manguso
What we are trying to do influences what becomes salient to us. If you are looking for a friend in a crowd, faces become salient to you, faces that would have otherwise passed you by. If you are making videos, you will notice patterns in the videos you watch. If you’re not, you can watch a thousand videos and have them pass through your head clean
... See morefrom How MrBeast Learns by Henrik Karlsson
- Maybe “what have you done for the world” isn’t even the right question. It assumes an acting upon, separate from-ness. What if the good stuff happens less when you act upon the world and more when you become one with it? Part of it.
from What Does Your Stupid Art Even Do for the World? by Alex Dobrenko`
- What do you consider your greatest achievement so far?
Building a family. Building is a political philosophy – a very noble act. We talk a lot about the virtue of building in Silicon Valley, and for most people, family formation is the deepest and most tangible way in which they’ll experience building something from nothing that outlasts themselves... See morefrom Modern Meditations: Katherine Boyle
- Building friction into community ensures best-in-class retention: ~85% of Bilibili users retain after 12 months.
from 5 Lessons from China's Internet Companies by Rex Woodbury
- the ideal of limitlessness consumption serves the modern economy quite well, but it does not serve the person well at all.2 This ideal imparts to us all a spirit of scarcity that darkens our experience: not enough time, not enough attention, not enough capacity to care. But upon what does this spirit feed? It feeds, in part, on the temptation to li... See more
from The Art of Living by L. M. Sacasas
This reminds me of what Craig Mod calls ‘having clear edges’
Edges ground us. Without clear edges we don’t feel like we’re in control.
from Check your Pulse #14 by Sari Azout
manifestos and principles and shifting perspectives
via Rory Sutherland