So. Where does the assumption that every business should grow to mega scale really come from? Well, it’s a relic of the industrial age. Back then, a business had to be as big as possible, to accomplish economies of scale. One factory — a hundred widgets. One factory — a million widgets. The second scenario wins — it pays off the fixed costs of the ... See more
Audius, the web3 music streaming platform, builds on both Ethereum and Solana. It issues and manages the $AUDIO token on Ethereum, but it runs upvotes and likes, things that need high speed and low-cost to work as well as a Web2 counterpart, on Solana, powered by the same engine used by some of the most sophisticated finance professionals in the wo... See more
On one hand, DAOs allow people to choose how they work and associate with communities where they are value-aligned. On the other hand, by reducing much of work into atomic units and purely financial incentives for actions, we risk reducing people’s meaning to purely financial rewards. We risk turning work into discrete, meaningless tasks, where lab... See more
One of the questions I ask my SF friends is what the entrepreneurial 20-year-olds are doing these days. Are they starting a billion-dollar company, or are they more interested in becoming a memelord who is trying to incite a movement on the Internet? I’m not sure we’re seeing a surge of exciting startup creation, but we sure are seeing a lot more o... See more
Historically, with really major tech breakthroughs, in the first few decades you get first-order effects. The first order effect of the automobile was getting you from one place to another faster. But the really profound things happened in the next phase from second-order effects: suburbs, commuting, highways, trucking, fast food and big box retail... See more
But when you really think about it, why do they still have the feed? Why do you have to tap to get into the Story's experience? I think what TikTok ultimately did, there were a lot of competitors over the last 10 years that were doing similar products, similar sort of full-screen videos. I think what TiKTok really did was they designed the whole pr... See more