- A writing example: when I look back in my notes I realize so much of what I write about today I was ruminating about 2-3 years ago. I always knew what I was going to say. I just didn’t have the tools, I didn’t have the maturity, I didn’t have the language or sensitivity to beauty to recognize what that was. So much of what I learned was latent, une... See more
from things that take time by Nix 🕊
oof this very accurately describes my journey to Sublime. i've had all of the ideas, but I was lacking a strong notion of taste. We find growth while searching for other things. Algorithms give us exactly what we want on demand, so we never need to search, and never find what we never knew we needed.
from 40 Useful Concepts You Should Know by Gurwinder
There are two words every designer needs to feel comfortable saying: “no” and “why.” Those words are the foundation of what we do. They’re the foundation of building an ethical framework. If we cannot ask “why” we lose the ability to judge whether the work we’re doing is ethical. If we cannot say “no ” we lose the ability to stand and f
... See morefrom Design’s Lost Generation by Mike Monteiro
- 11. Longevity basics
from Products I Wish Existed, 2020 Edition by Elad Gil
- models, despite their reputation for impartiality, reflect goals and ideology
from Weapons of Math Destruction Quotes by Cathy O'Neil
"models are opinions embedded in mathematics" - The constant changes in 1-2-3 speaks to how the entertainment industry is changing beyond “D2C SVOD”. The two clearest trends are video gaming/interactivity and multi-media/trans-media/cross-media storytelling. Taken together, this will fundamentally alter competitive dynamics, which stories we love, and how much.
from What Is an Entertainment Company in 2021 and Why Does the Answer Matter? — by Matthew Ball
- While some would argue that YouTube has become an online school in its own right, there’s huge opportunity to offer curated, high quality, live educational experiences.
from Edtech's Answer to Remote Learning Burnout | Andreessen Horowitz by Connie Chan
- The founders openly favored signing up the most physically attractive designers, saying they would be more appealing to clients.
from How a Hot $100 Million Design Startup Collapsed Overnight by Courtney Rubin
we have an opportunity to create an internet that feels alive, like cities. cities are diverse, eclectic, vibrant, messy. cities are human. let's bring humanity to the internet.
from - YouTube by Colin Dunn