Increases the frequency of interactions between nodes and creates more touch-points within the hive. It’s how the hive learns and makes informed decisions in response to a changing external environment.
To the extent that Substack fixes something in the journalism industry, it might be compared to GoFundMe—a survival mechanism whose resources are unevenly, arbitrarily distributed, laying bare systemic problems without directly tackling them.
This is what I call the "Hub and Spoke" model — leverage a core subscription userbase and then upsell additional offerings to gain a larger share of wallet from your core customers. Until recently, this option seemed out of reach for most Consumer SaaS companies struggling to simply generate enough demand to support a single product at scale.
Unsurprisingly though, sexual well-being and reproductive health are not the only issues women face in their day-to-day lives. Take driving for example: Although, in general, females are considered safer drivers, women are 47% more likely to be seriously injured during a car crash. Some say this is simply due to the female body being more “fragile”... See more