Blockchain-related technological and institutional innovation is part of an ongoing maturation phase of the Information Technology (IT) Revolution, which includes the emergence of IT-native forms of socio-economic organization that are digital, global, and increasingly decentralized and automated.
TikTok’s success has been written about countless times, and many analysts talk about the terrifyingly accurate algorithm & the lowered barrier to content creation. However, there is another key component to TikTok’s industry leading engagement rates & growth that often goes unnoticed: its ability to cater to lurkers — silent users that consume but... See more
Engagement: Connect customers to each other around their common interests in order to increase customer retention. Example: Culture Amp’s Culture First
After 18 days of diving deep into crypto, I didn't come out of it a decentralization maxi. There's space for both types of software, community, and utility. In many ways decentralized software really needs centralization: spam, fraud, content rights, powerful programs, etc.
Indeed, while many outfits grapple with whether to distance themselves from certain digital assets, Republic — whose CEO, Kendrick Nguyen, started his career in securities litigation with Goodwin Procter — has focused from the start on establishing itself as a go-to brand for what Nguyen calls “compliant tokenization.”
Identity. Value innovation is the opposite of imitation. It is a pursuit of singularity and incomparability. Häagen-Dazs tagline is “made like no other.” First-best brands, like Amazon, Apple or Hermès, invest in their own identity that transcends categories. They do not focus on what their competitors are doing. Kanye doesn’t compare himself with ... See more