While crypto historically prioritized function over form, the space has more recently emerged as a leader in experimenting with using style as a competitive advantage.
"It’s difficult to overstate the magnitude of this market expansionary effect. For the first time in modern human history, people will have the choice of storing their wealth in state-free money as opposed to their local fiat currency. Weak governments will collapse, causing mass migrations away from fiat currency."
The Consumerization of the Enterprise is a multi-decade trend that has recently hit a high water mark. But the rise of consumer-like experiences in the enterprise has left one very large and important group behind — the deskless workforce.
This basic stack is so accepted (and frankly so much easier now with AWS etc.) that we rarely question it. But it's ridiculously inefficient. Why should every potential business need to build all 3 parts of this stack when their core innovation or value add comes primarily from one or two?
As with other social networks that grow, Instagram broadened its formats early on to head off several format-based asymptotes. Non-square photos and videos with gradually lengthening time limits have broadened the use cases and, more importantly, removed some level of production friction.
“A real writer (or artist or entrepreneur) has something to give. She has lived enough and suffered enough and thought deeply enough about her experience to be able to process it into something that is of value to others, even if only as entertainment.”