— Grandma, how to do deal with pain?
— With your hands, honey. If you do it with your mind in place to relieve the pain, it becomes even harder.
— With our hands grandma?
— Yes. Our hands are the antennae of our soul. If you move them by weaving, cooking, painting, playing, or sinking them into the ground, you send signals of care to the d... See more
I suspect billions of people will be happy to receive their answers to complicated queries directly on the search results page, uninterested in where the information comes from, so long as it’s accurate enough.
But to everyone who depended even a little bit on web search to have their business discovered, or their blog post read, or their journalism... See more
with AI search results coming to the masses, the big question on my mind is: how will publishers/businesses get distribution?
For over 99 percent of our species’ history we lived amidst scarcity. Thus you, dear reader, like me and everyone else, evolved to seek out high-reward, low-energy-needed-to-acquire goods. This strategy worked well for hundreds of thousands of years. But now, in modern times of abundance, it is backfiring. Like so many things, what works, works—unt... See more
Facebook has a long history of attempts to move into payments and commerce, and this latest iteration is happening amid an accelerated transition from offline sales to e-commerce and a softening ad market.
Apple’s functional organization is rare, if not unique, among very large companies. It flies in the face of prevailing management theory that companies should be reorganized into divisions and business units as they become large.
We look at apps like DoorDash and see food delivery. Rather, view them as the last-mile enabler for businesses who are leaning into localized eCommerce. Food delivery, alone, will not justify the $50+ billion market cap but a city-by-city network of local retailers may.