- So many good examples of flows/products that become way more usable by removing steps. E.g. OCRing a photo you took using some 3rd party app vs. just selecting the text inside Apple's photos. I use the latter now multiple times a week and “all it did” was reduce steps. [1/3]
design and product design
- The reason experts are so split on whether or not we're on an exponential path to AI is that intelligence is multi-dimensional. You can be both exponentially exploding/scaling in one dimension and stagnating in another. You can be both superhuman and subhuman at the same time. People tend to focus on the dimensions most salient to their inclination... See more
Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence
good take
- Prediction: in 20 years it’ll be considered silly & selfish to have conversations focused on(non-private)information exchange that aren’t recorded Why not contribute to the continuously evolving collective body of knowledge? We’ll build positive sum structures incentivizing itthink we'll see both extremes - a lot of stuff made private, and a lot of stuff made public. interesting to note that this tweet was from 2020, before the big rise in LLMs. a normal response to from media cos and others to foundational models crawling the web is to make more things private.
- First time I’ve seen this when deleting an app
- A single Twitter thread by @punk4156 in June led to a project now worth $34 million. @nounsdao will take the concept of meta DAOs mainstream. Let me explain why this is a must know project. Thread Below👇
- by far, my absolutely favourite slide in the @untitledmapapp pitch deck inspired by aka stolen from:nice touch
- Your DAO just raised 250 ETH. You celebrate, but you barely have time to soak it in because your contributors get right to work. All is going great, until tasks start getting lost in Discord 👇
- thread for what i want the internet / software to look, feel, and be like
Humane Tech and
- Jack White with a most nuanced take on inspiration and work (and life): "Inspiration and work ethic, they ride right next to each other"
relationship with work and things to come back to when i'm feeling meh