- Something that has been on my mind lately: things take time.
- "On closer scrutiny, it turns out that many of today's problems are a result of yesterday's solutions". Thomas Sowell
A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction (Center for Environmental Structure Series)
4 highlights
- in every meeting, conversation, or encounter, you have the opportunity to make someone feel BIG or small. choose BIG. the best way to make people like you is to make people like themselves.
- The future is community owned: The future of gaming: community owned The future of finance: community owned The future of creators: community owned The future of startups: community owned
Traveler, there is no path
By Antonio Machado
Traveler, your footprints
Are the path and nothing more;
Traveler, there is no path,
The path is made by walking.
By walking the path is made
And when you look back
You’ll see a road
Never to be trodden again.
Traveler, there is no path,
Only trails across the sea…