- $ENS is a watershed moment: * important public good, built as OSS over many years * $2B+ of ownership distributed to contributors and users, with no allocation to investors * scaled liquid democracy governance w/signed constitution welcome to our crypto cooperative future!
- There’s a lot of noise about Bolt in the headlines. What's it about? The One Click Race. It's real, and it's only heating up. Here’s the scoop 👇
Infrastructure for commerce and DTC Brands and Payment Startups
- building sustainable networks in crypto is especially hard because the incentives are often short-term oriented 2 solutions to enable sustainable networks: - token streaming/vesting (ie. @Superfluid_HQ) - milestone based token rewards (ie. @UMAprotocol KPI options) what else?
Too Small to Fail, Vol. 7: Restaurant Closures | The Dave Chang Show
- This sentence has saved me hundreds of hours: “Happy to chat in this medium and we can schedule a meeting if it makes sense.”
- Wow. @SubstackInc experimented with pricing, reducing it by 1 cent, so e.g. instead of $10/month, do $9.99/month. The result? A significant decrease for the pricing ending with .99. Which goes against conventional pricing wisdom!! Why it's worth running experiments!
Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value
3 highlights
Product strategy and
- As someone who very much enjoys podcasts I continue to be frustrated that so much information is locked up in opaque audio files. How do we make all of this information accessible, searchable, navigable, linkable, upvotable, etc? Great opportunity if someone does this right, imo.