- Advertisement abuse: With the ad market’s fragmentation, no single company could then abuse ads to target minorities or spread misinformation. If you don’t like the type of ads you see or feel your feed is being used to influence your habits, just download another client. Your friends and content will be able to port over!
from It’s time for social media interoperability by Alex Van de Sande
- The idea of having this giant graph where all your data is hyperlinked is cute, but in practice, it’s completely unnecessary. Things live in separate apps just fine. How often, truly, do you find yourself wanting to link a task in your todo list app to a file in Dropbox?
from Unbundling Tools for Thought by Fernando Borretti
the things that make you go “whoa” should not live alongside your to-do list or your kids health insurance info
- I believe some of the leading consumer product business models in web3 will feel like Amazon Prime — membership bundles mediated via tokens.
from (Amazon) Prime time in web3 by Joey DeBruin
- And the cost of the product does not exceed the perceived value of the first and second points combined.
from DIP 022: Creatures (and creators) of habits by Emily Singer
- Stripe Atlas for Individuals
from Not Found by Matt Ziskie
- If you launch and no one notices, launch again. We launched 3 times.
- SCARF – Status, Certainty, Autonomy, Relatedness, Fairness
from #401 - Rory Sutherland - The Psychology Of Transport, Google Maps & Bear Attacks by Chris Williamson
- Disclosures of compensation within crypto networks should become a core standard in order to demonstrate real community ownership.
from Ways to improve the ownership economy — Mirror by Austin Robey
- The narrative and hype cycle around shared micromobility has caused many to take their eye off the ball on the opportunity at hand. Huge scooter-centric funding rounds, blowups, and controversies distract from the fact that micromobility more generally is a classically disruptive technology platform and has the potential to transform cities in both... See more
from How to Identify Underrated Markets by Brett Bivens