- 1/ Crypto’s biggest potential impact to society is in sustainably distributing wealth, capital & ownership to a larger % of the world. This is also its biggest risk: crypto can exacerbate inequality if it is not made accessible to everyone—especially those who need it most.
Democratization of Wealth and Collective ownership, Coops, and User Owned Platforms
- Bots are quickly destroying the internet. @BrightIDProject helps products keep their platforms bot free. By creating a web3 social graph, they are solving the unique identity problem. Let's see what that means 👇
visakanv's 50yr "plan" for global nerd network [wip]
2023 reboot of the dominos doc "We build our computer (systems) the way we build our cities: over time, without a plan, on top of ruins." - Ellen Ullman I’m revisiting Lim’s question again: “If you wanted to 100x your ability to find truly talented people with world changing potential, how wo...
12 highlights
ambition and
- Imagine if Twitter didn't allow its users to customize their handles. Our entire feed would look like "user12837473". That's how crypto feels like right now. @ensdomains is drastically improving the crypto UX by providing web3 handles. Let me explain how👇
- I've been experimenting with feeding various models the first half of various essays I've enjoyed. It's striking how much worse the generated completions are. Will be a big moment if/when that flips.have had the same experience - generic blandness so far.
"We teachers - perhaps all human beings - are in the grip of an astonishing delusion. We think that we can take a picture, a structure, a working model of something, constructed in our minds out of long experience and familiarity, and by turning that model into a string of words, transplant it whole into the mind of someone else. Perhaps once in a
... See more- In Q1 2022 Meta made 99 cents of free cashflow per daily active user. But sure, we should be paid for our data.
- How marketplaces (generally) win: 1. Deliver a much more convenient experience 2. Deliver a significantly cheaper product 3. Unlock desirable supply and then build a market around it
- From Brian Chesky: “When you're doing well, investors will give you money on such good terms that it's hard not to take it. But if you do, it will make you slow and bloated.”