- It is an unusual, once-in-a-lifetime, super-charging event for companies such as Clear and its surveillance rivals, rebranding themselves while becoming an answer for companies, offices, and agencies everywhere contemplating how to safely reopen.
from Our Economy Was Just Blasted Years Into the Future by Steve LeVine
- While there is definitely a creative element to gaming, the tech/data side is just as important to constantly iterate until you find your “game-market-fit”.
from What VCs Don't See: Why We're Bullish on Gaming Startups by NFX
Telling is only an investment if you know for sure that what you are telling is of value to the other person. That is why it is safest to tell only if you have been asked, rather than arrogantly deciding on your own to tell somebody something.
from Humble Inquiry: The Gentle Art of Asking Instead of Telling by Edgar H Schein
“Parents don’t need to know how to play with kids. If we get kids involved in adult activities, that’s play for kids.” And then they associate chores with a fun, positive activity. They associate it with playing.”
from Hunt, Gather, Parent: What Ancient Cultures Can Teach Us about the Lost Art of Raising Happy, Helpful Little Humans a book by Michaeleen Doucleff
- Of course, the "own a stake in what you use" argument might apply in some domains rather than others. There are probably more people excited to get equity in an app than equity in their local waste management company. But that brings up another problem: for large platforms, the value created is often a function of small amounts of value per user mu... See more
from Can We Afford the Ownership Economy? by Byrne Hobart
- The world has benefited greatly in the past from having information organized and made accessible. When information is organized, people can easily find similar ideas to build on top of, explore their curiosities, and discover new things. Knowledge is power, and organized information makes the attainment of knowledge far more efficient.The Research... See more
from To Organize The World's Information by Dmitri Brereton (dkb)
- The same view you look at every day, the same life, can become something brand new by focusing on its gifts rather than the negative aspects. Perspective is your own choice and the best way to shift that perspective is through gratitude, by acknowledging and appreciating the positives.
from The Top Five Regrets of the Dying Quotes by Bronnie Ware by Bronnie Ware
- What assumptions about the world does the use of this technology tacitly encourage?
from 41 Questions For The Technologies We Use, and That Use Us by Ezra Klein
- in 1964, Marshall McLuhan observed that once horses were no longer needed for work, they took on new jobs in entertainment and leisure activity. Saying so, he hinted at what might become of machines or even humans once many of them are no longer needed to produce basic necessities