With crowdfunds on Ethereum, instead of just receiving a warm fuzzy feeling or a bumper sticker, contributors can receive an ERC20 token. This token can then be programmed to include all sorts of benefits.
Sometimes a reasonable decision will make you happier than the rational decisionDetach yourself from other people’s benchmarks, judge your investments based on your happiness and fulfillment
When every DAO tool is competing over the same handful of DAOs, you need a distribution advantage. One of my favorite approaches is to start by providing services to different DAOs so you can develop expertise in a specific domain, build relationships with core teams, and eventually productize your service. A great example is Llama DAO... They... See more
Good decentralized network governance is one that steers the network through its various stages of development towards more innovative and socially useful functions, while adequately resolving conflicts between different stakeholders participating in or affected by the network.