The aggregated scores revealed that young users had, on net, negative opinions of the effects that highly social apps like Instagram and Snapchat were having on their mental well-being. Both Instagram and Snapchat were said, by teens, to worsen anxiety, depression, loneliness, sleep, body image, bullying, and FoMO. Interestingly, though, Facebook a
... See morefrom Do the Kids Think They’re Alright? by Eli George
- -Graduated sanctions for those who violate community rules: reprimands on talk pages, page rollbacks, banning.
from Wiki as a Commons by Gordon Brander
- -Discord servers are too chaotic
from Discord: Imagine a Place by Packy McCormick
- Websites are cultural artifacts. Like buildings, websites foster social discourses. They do so by establishing new ways of interaction or by asking new aesthetic questions.
from Webdesign as architecture by Malte Mueller
From 2016: “Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by an excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death. And that is why it is always Day 1.”
from Jeff Bezos Shareholder Letters | Founders Podcast with David Senra #282 • Podcast Notes by Jeff Bezos
- For example, for the first time ever, creators can now sell works as NFTs that are hard-coded to generate royalties from all future resales, in perpetuity. This means that every time one of their works is re-sold at auctions, on a marketplace, on streaming services, etc. the actual creator is compensated directly, along with the new seller.
from Part 2: creating the new frontier – Chris Rempel's Blog by Chris Rempel
- Any product that has a social component baked in has fundamental and asymmetric advantages over competing non-social products in that category: better growth loops, better engagement, better retention, better defensibility.
from Community Takes All: The Power of Social+ by D'arcy Coolican
- Technology will play an important role in helping the elderly maintain social connections. It can improve their quality of life by reducing their sense of isolation, contributing to their psychological well-being and sense of empowerment, and supporting their relationships regardless of time and location.
from Venture Opportunities— Senior Social by Amrit Singh
- It’s a nice fact that LLMs are pretty smart and useful now but suck at writing good prose. Suggests writing well really is very hard.
from Tweet by Nabeel S. Qureshi