Payments make the whole cycle more powerful while also generating revenue for the company. By integrating with Paystack, they avoid building a payments company for each market they go into and avoid the regulation (and hefty central banking deposits that come with it) to register as a PSP.
I expect the most important labor question we will have to answer in the 21st century is whether we can truly reconcile independence and job security, especially in an increasingly decentralized economy. As an optimist, I believe it is possible and once we achieve it we will get closer to the idea of an Empowered Economy - one where workers have th... See more
So it’s useful to ask what absolute power would reveal about Israel and Hamas. In other words, what would each side do if it had nukes and its enemies didn’t? Based on Hamas’s history, and its charter, which calls for the total obliteration of Israel, we can be confident they’d nuke Tel Aviv. And yet, if Israel had nukes, they wouldn’t nuke Palesti... See more
In 1995, when Netscape went public, there were 16 million internet users in the entire world. By 2000, just five years later, there were 361 million internet users. By the time Mark Zuckerberg launched Facebook in his dorm room in February 2004, there were 745 million people on the internet. By the end of the next year, there were a billion.
The Membership Economy: Find Your Super Users, Master the Forever Transaction, and Build Recurring Revenue: Find Your Super Users, Master the Forever Transaction, and Build Recurring Revenue