Saved by sari Spend less. Smile more.
Consumers are demanding a greater role in the shaping of their own community.
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
The idea of belonging is such an underestimated principle in marketing.
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
No decision is made entirely rationally. Emotional disposition towards brand can give an advantage even when the product is out-featured or out-priced by competitors. Become more dependent on emotional ties.
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
Each member reinforces the believability of an interpretation to the other.
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
Ownership must be shared with its membership for it to thrive.
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
We need to talk to others to know what we think :
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
Marketers should be obsessed with communities, not just fret about how to market to an impossible number of individuals.
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
In the face of terrifying chaos, a craving need to make sense of it all.
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
We've gone too far with one-to-one marketing : seeing customers as isolated individuals.
Douglas Atkin • Spend less. Smile more.
Communities : the human race demands them, needs them. Belonging is fundamental.