- Whether it’s on YouTube, blogs, socials, etc., internet storytelling favors first person “I made/did/think this” over the third person “look at what these other people are making/doing/thinking” that’s common in broadcast media.
- In Web3, Member Experience (MX) is as important as User Experience (UX). Here are 30 questions for builders to consider as they design the MX for their DAOs: 🧵👇
- Much of Silicon Valley is the reshuffling of uninspired, unremarkable individuals with one Great Brand on their resume, being recycled through tens of other Aspiring Great Brands. Do not outsource your talent evaluation to Brand identification, otherwise your company will suck.
- The leader doesn’t take charge of the tribe. The leader takes responsibility for the tribe.
- 1. I think we’re on the verge of a revolution in travel
The Righteous Mind: Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion
6 highlights
- Debates over work from home v hybrid v HQ are becoming increasingly polarized (duh). It seems either one gets it, or not, with little room to disagree. There's a reason for this and it is rooted in how disruptive forces take hold. A long 🧵 ![]( See more
- if everything becomes a DAO then every interaction will be a vote or decision, how do we scale decision making fatigue and voter apathy?
- I wanted to share my most memorable VC pass email of all time, Maple back in the fall from @schlaf. Thoughtful and empathetic: "I've been wrong more than I've been right so take this all with a grain of salt. I hope you prove me wrong and make me regret this decision."