- Hiring a COO isn’t easy at the early-stage and is wrought with more danger than potential success. Make sure you take the time to understand if you are ready for this hire. When it is done right, the impact on you and the company is tremendous.
- Sometimes we don’t quite process that billions of people on the planet get unlimited entertainment, voice and video calling, maps, restaurant reviews, weather, news, an encyclopedia, mail, messaging, and more for *free* just because 1-2% of us click an ad every now and then.
Web 2.0 and
- I'm consistently surprised by how the single act of doing this as an eng manager or product manager makes incredible waves: Send an email explaining what your team did the past 1-2 weeks, what your plans are for the next period, blockers & lessons learned. Every. Single. Time.
The Pomp Podcast: #510: Jesse Walden on the Ownership Economy
- In 2010, people still thought the main application of mobile was coupons. @yishan set them straight.
- My preferred way of working: Zero politics, mining for conflict, best idea wins, writing things down, full responsibility, few internal meetings, taking risks, steady marathon pace, creative space, driving impact, and clear north stars complemented with extreme autonomy.
131 - Will Curran (Endless Events) On The New Virtual Events Industry
Virtual Meetups and Events Infrastructure and Entertainment Tech
- winning web3 protocols will be designed like countries 🧵great web3 protocols will... ⬇️
Web 3.0 and
- As someone who very much enjoys podcasts I continue to be frustrated that so much information is locked up in opaque audio files. How do we make all of this information accessible, searchable, navigable, linkable, upvotable, etc? Great opportunity if someone does this right, imo.