The analogy to publishing also point to what will be the long-term trend for any profession affected by these models: relatively undifferentiated creators who depended on the structural bundling of idea creation and substantiation will be reduced to competing with zero marginal cost creators for attention generated and directed from Aggregators; hi... See more
Sorry to be a hater but as someone who has run a business around collectibles (vinyl records) and worked for independent artists...
...NFTs are just shadow money, generated by artists, passed onto consumers.
Key is to understand what is endemic to their audiences. Idea of product-influencer-market fit. For example, Emma Chamerlain built a coffee brand around herself. See the beauty side of YouTube as a leading indicator of what this looks like. Micro/medium influencers.
There's nothing more disappointing than talking to someone who understands things intellectually but hasn't achieved the embodiment of that understanding to cause a transformation. They're effectively pleasing the intellect while dulling their desire to go past that first layer.