Expanded supply creates expanded demand, which in turn feeds even more supply. Over time, people learn. They discover more about what's aesthetically possible and more about what they like. Exposure changes tastes.
Virginia Postrel, The Substance of StylePeople assume that generative AI will lead to a tsunami of garbage content. I think the opposite problem is more interesting: what if you were drowning in amazing content? What if you’re so inspired and overwhelmed by awe that it’s stressful and addicting and life disorienting?
- As a practical matter, I think it's easier to see ugliness than to imagine beauty. Most of the people who've made beautiful things seem to have done it by fixing something that they thought ugly. Great work usually seems to happen because someone sees something and thinks,
I could do better than that.from Taste for Makers by Paul Graham
So true:
“I think the pressures are always the same—the only difference is the amount of money that’s involved. I mean, it’s a lot of pressure to produce something for $25 dollars when you really need $25. It doesn’t matter if the pressure is for $2,500 or $25,000—it’s the same pressure.”
- Frank Stella.
- it matters whom we put on the stages of our world, whom we adore. Our collective love has been wildly misappropriated, particularly in Silicon Valley, but also all over the place.
from Confessions of an Entrepreneur by Rachel Katz
I am not who you think I am; I am not who I think I am; I am who I think you think I am.
- Charles Horton Cooleyfrom i am who i think you think i am by
- One of the questions I ask my SF friends is what the entrepreneurial 20-year-olds are doing these days. Are they starting a billion-dollar company, or are they more interested in becoming a memelord who is trying to incite a movement on the Internet? I’m not sure we’re seeing a surge of exciting startup creation, but we sure are seeing a lot more o... See more
from Dan Wang
We did not remain foragers after inventing agriculture. We did not remain farmers having invented industrial machines. We should not remain laborers having invented digital technologies.
-Albert Wenger, World after Capital
being too intellectual is a terrible danger. it takes you further from your basic truth. “don’t think - feel”