- Our modest goal with Substack is to help accelerate and amplify the advent of the culture future through a better media system. Culture is not just about getting what you want; it is about learning what to want. It shapes our values, beliefs, identity, taste, and how we relate to other people. And in turn, we shape it, when we choose what to pay at... See more
from The two futures of media
the world is a surprisingly malleable place and has reconfigured itself around compelling visions many times before
Figma’s founding vision = to “eliminate the gap between imagination and reality.”
- GitLab: "To change all creative work from read-only to read-write so that everyone can contribute."
- Amazon: “to be Earth's most customer-centric company"
- Coupang: Our mission is to create a world in which our customers ask, 'How did I ever live without Coupang?
- On: "To ignite the human spirit through movement"
- Stripe: “Increase the GDP of the internet.”