The story of Sylvester Stallone in 1975 sitting down to write a screenplay and, three and a half days later, emerging with the full script for Rocky:
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“At that time, I must admit, my life was definitely on the wane, at least professionally, I was emotionally, spiritually, physically, bankrupt. So I had $106, rent was $300, I had a pregnant wife—you mthe honesty here is breathtaking - from the founder of
“One of the tragedies of doing humane tech is you lose the humanity in the process of surviving the world, of trying to build something, of trying to get it funded”
- The thing that no one ever tells you about your calling is that it’s boring. Oh, everything is interesting if you’re interested… shut up. Yes, it will be exhilarating and fun and fluid and and natural and meaningful. It will also be tedious. It will hurt. You will encounter obstacle after obstacle until you feel like you’re in a video game with alg... See more
- Fun graphic on $META from the Rowan Street annual letter (a hedge fund that printed a 102.6% net return in 2023): Shows how non-linear the path to good returns can be and how conviction pays off. See more
it took Mr Beast almost 9 years to start earning real money – his mom even made him enroll in community college (he lasted two weeks there)
- I often think about the fact that at 31 years old, Charlie Munger was divorced, broke, and burying his 9 year old son, who had died from cancer.
- This startup's revenue graph is the best illustration I've seen of the overnight success that takes years. The graph goes almost vertical at the start of 2023, six years in.