Sarah Owen


Sarah is a trend forecaster, futurist and social scientist with a background in studying youth culture and social media.
  • sociology

    22 cards · by Ajinkya Wadhwa and

  • Technology

    40 cards · by Mo Shafieeha and

  • Future of Dating

    33 cards · by sari and

  • Futurism

    83 cards · by Alex Wittenberg and

  • leisure

    9 cards · by Keely Adler and

  • Community Design

    147 cards · by sari and

  • Artificial Intelligence

    220 cards · by sari and

  • Experience Economy

    60 cards · by sari and

  • Wearables/iOT

    77 cards · by sari and

  • Biotechnology

    16 cards · by Yash Mimani aka ahafisher and