• from Check your Pulse #55 - Check your Pulse by sariazout.substack.com


  • from Enlightenment Is Something We Do Together by John Tarrant


  • from Losing Love, Finding Love, and Living with the Fragility of It All by Maria Popova

    bits of wisdom

  • bits of wisdom

  • from Storyworthy: Engage, Teach, Persuade, and Change Your Life through the Power of Storytelling by Matthew Dicks

    writing & storytelling

  • from distillation by Isabel Hazan

    writing & storytelling

  • from Talking about friendship with Heather Havrilesky

    bits of wisdom

  • from Nick Cave on the Fragility of Life by Amanda Petrusich

    grief and remembering

  • from John Tarrant : Articles by John Tarrant

    bits of wisdom and grief and remembering