Rick Rhodes
Rick Rhodes
To be a gardener is to give a fuck. To be a gardener is to be invested in a place—to know it, to protect it, to be present to it. How can we protect and heal ourselves and our planet if we’re not willing to step into, and value, the role of the gardener?
On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire and the White House will be adorned by an outright moron.
— H.L. Mencken, On Politics, A Carnival of Buncombe
By the age of 70, he who doesn’t read will have lived only one life. He who reads will have lived 5,000 years. Reading is immortality backwards.
— Umberto Eco
Albrecht Dűrer, The Little Owl (1506)
A successful city is an entity that is endlessly reconfiguring itself, changing its social structure and meaning, even if its contours don’t look very different. And when it does take on dramatic new forms, the measure of success is the degree to which it maintains its essence.
- Deyan Sudjic, The Language of Cities