Patricia Mou


exploring soul topographies, curating the internet, & building third spaces. i'm @patriciamou_ on twitter: https://www.twitter.com/patriciamou_
  • from The role of tribes in achieving lasting impact and how to create them - LessWrong by Konrad Seifert

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  • Evernote Viewer

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    happiness and

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  • from In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays by Bertrand Russell

  • from In Praise of Idleness and Other Essays by Bertrand Russell

  • The role of tribes in achieving lasting impact and how to create them - LessWrong

    by Konrad Seifert

    15 highlights

    Thumbnail of The role of tribes in achieving lasting impact and how to create them - LessWrong

    Community Design and

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  • from Evernote Viewer by John Perry Barlow

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