Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • from How to Activate your Community for Impact by David Spinks

    community activation x social impact

  • from Developing high performers

  • Preview of p-cyla0ctux55

    Take what you need. 🌳🍂

  • loving the process and nat's integrated learnings

  • Preview of p-cxladu7uz7q

    Wanna skip rocks? Why yes, yes I do. Thanks @jenncolella for the read. 🫶🏽 “While grabbing dinner with a friend can be engaging, it’s a far cry from elaborate forest ceremonies.” How did you play as a child? How do you play now? 👇🏽👇🏽👇🏽 Loved this piece from @rhainacohen for @theatlantic. #theartofgathering #friendship #play #makingmemories

    Human Stuff and

  • from Image

    living a creative life

  • Preview of ct18n-qgcfn

    Good morning 🌞 Image ID: On Waking Up I am wondering when newer became better. When we forsook the familiar for ideas of the future, mistook the mundane for less than extraordinary, wrote it off like a story. I am wondering when less stopped being more. When we began to believe that everything could be found in a store, that satisfaction will never be enough for you or for me. I am wondering when we fell for the lie. When we accepted that we’re here to work til we die, that our days are measured not in meaning but minutes and maximum efficiency. I am wondering when we can say we’ve made it. When we will look back and claim that the searching for fame and the making a name was worth what was lost, becoming somebody. I am wondering when the world will wake up. When we will open our eyes and realize that in staying asleep to keep chasing the dream, we forgot all we have: just this, to be.

    Life and

  • from On growing a cooperative like you’d grow a garden by Willa Köerner

    Organization Dynamics and

  • from Rick Rubin — Magic, Everyday Mystery, and Getting Creative by On Being

    Rick Rubin and

  • from Welcome to LETTERS FROM LOVE by Elizabeth Gilbert

    relationship with self