Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • from Maria Popova — Cartographer of Meaning in a Digital Age by Krista Tippett

    Modern spirituality

  • from How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clay Christensen

  • “Black Hole Words” and the power of asking stupid questions

    by Molly Graham

    4 highlights

    Thumbnail of “Black Hole Words” and the power of asking stupid questions

    to communicate well and

  • from Return on Energy

  • from 3-2-1: On saving money, controlling your anger, and what love looks like

    loving the process

  • Luck and curiosity

  • from Maria Popova — Cartographer of Meaning in a Digital Age by Maria Popova

  • from How Will You Measure Your Life? by Clay Christensen

    redefining success and

  • from Squad Wealth by Other Internet

  • Audacious Gardening: On Daring to Care - Wonderground

    by Georgina Reid

    3 highlights

    Thumbnail of Audacious Gardening: On Daring to Care - Wonderground