Natalie Audelo


designing social architecture and community experiences that build trust, generate creativity, and encourage authentic human connection. exploring the healing power of play, movement, music and other integrative practices.

  • from The Type of Charisma That Saves a Holiday Party by Adrienne Matei

    descriptions of people and qualities i admire

  • from Friday Thread: What's Keeping Us Out of Others' Business? by Anne Helen Petersen

    Human Stuff

  • from The Myth of Self-Reliance - The Paris Review by Jenny Odell

    building a new world

  • from Move Over Influencers, Here Come Curators by andjelicaaa.substack.com

    redefining success

  • loving the process and

  • from When Your Profession is On Fire


  • from Demanding more

    loving the process

  • from Death of the Cool Girl by Totally Recommend

    reframes i love

  • from Advice to Young People, the Lies I Tell Myself¶ by Jason Liu

    good advice