In communism you waited an hour to get into a store, in monopoly capitalism you wait an hour to get out of the store
@patbahn on Twitter April 8, 2024
If the world is going to hell in a hand-basket, let the angry, ranting boomers and billionaires fret in futility about it, and let failing 40+ types do the pointless manifesto-derping.
From Ribbonfarm
“Money is taking the field as an organized power. Which shall rule—wealth or man; which shall lead—money or intellect; who shall fill public stations—educated and patriotic free men, or the feudal serfs of corporate capital?”
From Heather Cox Richardson substack
If the goal of streamers once seemed to be prioritizing and supporting great series from a diverse group of interesting creators, that goal seems to have shifted from making better shows to just ... making more of them. As viewers, we’re being flattened by a fire hose of programming — and the experience of watching TV feels like a ritual of submiss... See more
While Tubi uses algorithms and personalized recommendations, its offerings feel more thoughtfully chosen, a mix of the familiar and the adventurous; as the TV critic Kaiya Shunyata put it, Tubi “feels very much like you’re choosing what you want to watch; it’s not an algorithm choosing it for you.” It’s a potent reminder of what we used to love abo... See more
When we shifted the conversation from, “How do you make money?” to “How do you create resources for resilience?” most people seriously engaged with this question. By the end, a lot of our builders would say things like, “I would feel better if I was paid for this work. It would make me feel like I’m valued.” It's not, “If we have resources, our pro... See more
once you have a direct connection with your fans, you can stop sending them to the food court at the mall - a world filled with distractions, cheap snacks, and flashing lights.
Say you subscribe to a YouTube channel with very niche videos about the inner workings of ball bearings (or something equally niche). You, the viewer, have a high chance of not seeing any new videos from this channel - even though you subscribe to it - because the content just isn't suited to the YouTube algorithm. Equally, the creator of videos ab... See more