Mickey Patel


  • from 30 Lessons From Art / Business / Life — Kening Zhu

    the inner compass

  • from 30 Lessons From Art / Business / Life — Kening Zhu

    the inner compass

  • from honoring your creative energy in business — kening zhu by Kening Zhu

    the business of art

  • from the internet as a creative practice — kening zhu by Kening Zhu

    the creative practice

  • meaning economy

  • cultivating style

  • from First We Shape Our Social Graph; Then It Shapes Us by Henrik Karlsson

    cultivating style

  • from feeling safe in creative work & business — kening zhu by Kening Zhu

    cultivating style

  • from The Art of Living by L. M. Sacasas

    the art of living