Maria Carolina Suarez


Maria Carolina Suarez


Looking for the next new trend 👀

Evan Armstrong • Want to Build? Technical Excellence Won’t Be Enough.

Decentralized Agency
Thumbnail of Decentralized Agency

Future of Media and

¿What Does Corales de Paz do?

Smart Transactions
Thumbnail of Smart Transactions

Blockchain and

Social Health Champions 👫: a free Slack space for startup founders to solve social connection and belonging problems. | Brandy Cerne posted on the topic | LinkedIn
Thumbnail of Social Health Champions 👫: a free Slack space for startup founders to solve social connection and belonging problems. | Brandy Cerne posted on the topic | LinkedIn

Michael Lazerow • Venture Capital in a Decentralized World

FoodLabs | Home
Thumbnail of FoodLabs | Home

food and

Snack TBH - to be honest, your toast deserves better.
Thumbnail of Snack TBH - to be honest, your toast deserves better.

DTC Brands & DNVBs and

venture capital and