by Elan Ullendorff, from “So You Want to Escape the Algorithm”
How to avoid cynicism:
Act in ways opposite to your instinct. If you hate something, find out more about it. Again ask 'What is this?', 'Who made this?', 'Who is this for?' Genuinely. Never stop doing this"
-via @being_on_line
from “A New Order of Regenerative Kinship”
One's ability to articulate an idea always lags behind the understanding of the idea, and the understanding of an idea often lags behind the embodiment in which it is first given life. It can take a surprising amount of time to come to understand what a prototype is trying to "say", and longer still to say it oneself.
-Bret Victor
Sculpture by Nicolás Lamas from his 2021 exhibition, ‘Times in Collapse’.