Reminders for myself

Shifting from viewing growth as a movement from wrong to right to something expansive makes making progress sustainable, easier, faster and much more fulfilling.
instagram.comElan Ullendorff on Escaping the Algorithm
by Elan Ullendorff, from “So You Want to Escape the Algorithm”
How to avoid cynicism:
Act in ways opposite to your instinct. If you hate something, find out more about it. Again ask 'What is this?', 'Who made this?', 'Who is this for?' Genuinely. Never stop doing this"
-via @being_on_line
Jasmine Sun • the scenic route
“I’ve lost the use of my heart, but I’m still alive.”
from ‘Soldier of Love’ by Sade
Happiness is self-fulfillment. If a person neglects fulfilling any capacity to create that he has, there is an inherent feeling of unhappiness. If a person is gifted artistically and doesn’t express it, if they’re gifted musically and don’t express it, they’re neglecting a part of themselves. We need to realize what we really are, the strength and
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