Lisa Dunford Dickman


  • from Seek funny leaps by Mason Currey


  • from Every’s Master Plan by Dan Shipper

    The Why

  • from why you should write more by Ava


  • from why you should write more by Ava


  • It helps people find you. I like every single person I’ve met through my Substack (over the past four years (the workshops have helped a lot!) I would estimate I’ve met 100+ people who first found me through Bookbear Express and I genuinely liked all of them) and I’ve met some of my closest friends through being online.

from why you should write more by Ava


  • from Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek

    The Why

  • from Every’s Master Plan by Dan Shipper


  • from Every’s Master Plan by Dan Shipper

    Thought provoking