Karen Hinh
Karen Hinh
good relationships need a ratio of 5:1 positive to negative experiences. if you want to have a more loving heart, practice moments of compassion/kindness for others.
OPEN your brain to retaining positive experiences (default is saving negative - negative bias).
let go of the self. choose joy, forgive, be generous. choose hope over cynicism. anything worthwhile takes a long time. be present + have moments of stillness. let yourself learn + change your mind.
personal life is being gamified — leads to lower quality of personal relationships & personal time. everything becomes a goal for the sake of growth — how many books did I read? how many miles did I run? rather than, oh, I want to read more books from that author. Oh, I really feel like running along the waterfront today until I feel good!
become a person of place — invest in where you live & your local community. it will give back to you in how you feel — having people to run errands with, the care economy… opposite of the growth/profit driven economy where a frictionless & super convenient lifestyle is king.
individual action & systemic change are two sides to the same coin — you need both. a reminder to keep striving for a zero waste lifestyle WHILE boycotting fast fashion/Amazon etc or voting for more housing.