Kalyani Tupkary


Kalyani Tupkary


I design objects and interfaces - sometimes real, sometimes fictional.


In Between Humans and Computers

Thumbnail of In Between Humans and Computers

Material Histories and

Calendar Collective

Thumbnail of Calendar Collective

Speculative Design and

Thumbnail of httpstwittercomaaronzlewisstatus1192020127379685376

Future of time and

ILSSA: Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts

Thumbnail of ILSSA: Impractical Labor in Service of the Speculative Arts

Relationship with Time and

The Computer Pays Its Debt: Women, Textiles, and Technology, 1965-1985 | Center for Craft

Center For Craftcenterforcraft.org
Thumbnail of The Computer Pays Its Debt: Women, Textiles, and Technology, 1965-1985 | Center for Craft

The Marginalian • Einstein’s Dreams: Physicist Alan Lightman’s Poetic Exploration of Time and the Antidote to the Anxiety of Aliveness – The Marginalian

Simone Rebaudengo • writing. - Simone Rebaudengo

Susan Schulten • Emma Willard's Maps of Time

Culture Study • The Diminishing Returns of Calendar Culture