"The amount of serendipity that will occur in your life is directly proportional to the degree to which you do something you're passionate about combined with the total number of people to whom this is effectively communicated." https://t.co/KfFpouh7Dm
One mistake I often used to make at Justin.tv was offering a potpourri of business models (virtual goods, product placement, chat ads, contests, etc..). I was embarrassed to say Justin.tv would monetize with advertising when clearly that was the only answer. Own the simple business model.
Online, we need to make the big feel smaller, in the right ways. The challenge to start small from something that is currently controlled by Facebook and Google, is very hard. But people are doing it. Look at The Correspondent, or Open Culture, or Brain Pickings, or thousands of other small projects that have good communities around them. We need m... See more
In a moment of randomness, I've came across this newsletter issue by @tomcritchlow on getting more client work.
Now that I'm refocusing on indie-ness, I realize this is something I do whenever I seek work: posting on socials, emailing former colleagues, and texting friends. https://t.co/JjwBEFGI3G