Isabelle Levent
The “story seeds” control allowed writers to experiment with using Wordcraft to generate ideas at the very beginning of the writing process. MT described the “story seeds” control as giving her “a place on my computer to go that looked like a blank page but did not behave as such.” E
Because creativity by definition involves not only novelty but value, and because values are highly variable, it follows that many arguments about creativity are rooted in disagreements about value.
by Ziv Epstein
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Poetry and
What’s difficult is to state our aesthetic values clearly enough to enable the program itself to make the evaluation at each generation.
User-generated content platforms were a huge source for the image data. WordPress-hosted blogs on and represented 819k images together, or 6.8% of all images. Other photo, art, and blogging sites included 232k images from Smugmug, 146k from Blogspot, 121k images were from Flickr, 67k images from DeviantArt, 74k from Wikimedia,
... See moreFor a computer to make a subtle combinational joke, never mind to assess its tastefulness, would require, first, a data-base with a richness comparable to ours, and, second, methods of link-making (and link-evaluating) comparable in subtlety with ours.
It becomes a question of who created a certain work of art.