Isabelle Levent
Isabelle Levent
Instead, I’d like us to ask: in whose voice do our machines write? What voices do they obfuscate? Where do their words come from? In short, I’d like us to ask questions about power, and the ways in which it functions through and around language.
Even when these paragraphs fail, they make her interested in the story again. She’s curious about this computer-generated text, and it reignites her interest in her own writing.
Tech Ethics and
There’s another edge case as well; in theory, with the same prompts and the random seed that’s used for generating the images, you could end up with someone else generating the same, or a very similar, image as what you created.
Second, we should create a legal regime that can make our data’s collective value something we can bargain over as a group.
the reconfiguration of culture as a domain of not just human-made meanings but also machinic calculation
on metaphors for LLMs