Hans De Keulenaer
Hans De Keulenaer
I think “And what else?” is the best coaching question in the world. It does two things: It extends the period of curiosity, and it tames your advice monster.
This reminds me of a recent HBR article on ‘asking smarter questions’. The list goes:
What’s known?
What if?
Now what?
So what?
What’s unsaid?
Granted, in isolation, the list is a bit cryptic. If intrigued, refer to the original article: https://hbr.org/2024/05/the-art-of-asking-smarter-questions
Nemo propheta in patria.
Matteo 13,57, Marco 6,4, Luca 4,24 e Giovanni 4,44
The grind is the actual job.
Commissioner Reagan, Blue Bloods, s13e12
A statement during a Reagan family’s Sunday lunch conveys the thought that it’s the daily routine that makes all the difference.
A linking verb has little meaning of its own.
Is AI a natural step in the automation of knowledge work?
Thinking about Modern Times, progress has been made in the automation of factory work. In that shift, factory work has shifted to operating and maintaining systems. And knowledge work has emerged, leading Peter Drucker to coin the term in the 50s. By now, knowledge workers represent a major p
... See moreRem publicam regi sine iniuria non posse.
Augustine, De Civitate Dei, 2,21,1
"The state cannot be ruled without injustice."