David Pennington


David Pennington


I write stuff. I’d like to write more stuff. Currently: reclaiming my brain.


Austin Kleon Human resources

On: Scotch Whisky and Head Colds – D.T. Pennington

Anna Lembke Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence

Ted Gioia Is There a Crisis of Seriousness?

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Hear ye! Hear ye! Due to overwhelming interest and applications, we are moving the deadline to apply for our print shop apprenticeship FROM MARCH 15th to MARCH 1st! This means applications are due via email or post marked snail mail by next Friday, March 1st. And THANK YOU! to everyone that has already applied.


my core 3 practices: wellbeing, art, and business — kening zhu

Elle Griffin No One Buys Books

Thomas Deneuville The Cult of Done Manifesto - Thomas Deneuville

Definition of FOOTLE

Thumbnail of Definition of FOOTLE