David Pennington
I write stuff. I’d like to write more stuff. Currently: reclaiming my brain.
David Pennington
I write stuff. I’d like to write more stuff. Currently: reclaiming my brain.
“What we can do is construct an environment that nurtures trusting and respectful relationships and unleashes everyone’s creativity. If we get that right, the result is a vibrant community where talented people are loyal to one another and their collective work, everyone feels that they are par... See more
She thought about that for a moment. “But it’s so boring,” she said. “Yes, that’s true,” I said. “Boredom is not just boring. It can also be terrifying. It forces us to come face-to-face with bigger questions of meaning and purpose. But boredom is also an opportunity for discovery and invention. It creates the space necessary for a new thought to f
... See moreHear ye! Hear ye! Due to overwhelming interest and applications, we are moving the deadline to apply for our print shop apprenticeship FROM MARCH 15th to MARCH 1st! This means applications are due via email or post marked snail mail by next Friday, March 1st. And THANK YOU! to everyone that has already applied.